niedziela, 26 czerwca 2011

Halo 4 może zawierać elementy z Halo: Reach

Jak donosi serwis GamerCenterOnline w Halo 4 mogą powrócić elementy z Halo: Reach. Nie wiadomo, czy chodzi tylko o Armor Abilities czy też o bloom. Informację jednak należy traktować jako plotkę, ponieważ nigdzie nie ma dowodów świadczących o jej prawdziwości. Pełną wiadomość i źródło znajdziecie w rozwinięciu.

There’s been a ton of questions surrounding newly the redesigned Master Chief, which was shown at E3. But, now, sources close to the development team have stated that the redesigns apart of 343 Industries “steps to incorporate” elements from Halo: Reach.

In Reach, the players used modifications — like jet packs, sprint and shields — to take on the many challenges throughout the game. However, in the original story-arch, these element weren’t present. According to these sources, in Halo 4, these elements will become apart of the original story-arch for the first time in the forth installment.

In addition, these sources have revealed that the undisclosed ”lapse in time” will be used to explain the addition of these elements. It makes sense that they would want to added these elements onto the original story-arch. However, in other news, it was recently reported that the changes made to Master Chief would be “story-driven” changes.

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1 komentarz:

  1. Niech będzie taki multiplayer jaki był w Halo 3, prosty i genialny. /Makavel
